10 Christian Practices: Fasting

Fasting has been a hot topic the last couple of years with fad diets. Fasting has also been used for spiritual purposes in religions around the world for many millennia. What does Christian fasting look like and what is the point of it? Listen this week to find out and learn how you can practice this to grow in your daily relationship with God.

10 Christian Practice: Listening

We are called into a relationship with God because the source of our life is found only in God. How can we know God’s will for us unless we listen? In this sermon I examine the ancient practice of listening to God and  challenged all of us to spend intentional time listening.

Appear: A New Way

Today I take a look at the story of Pentecost as I wrap up my series on the appearances of Jesus after the resurrection. The coming of the Holy Spirit gives us Jesus’ presence in a whole new way promised by God for a long time. What does it mean for us to live in the reality of God’s presence in us in the Holy Spirit today? Join me as I reflect on this story.

Appear: To Ascend

Jesus appears one last time to his disciples before he ascends into heaven to be at the right hand of the Father. While in Jerusalem the disciples share one more meal with Jesus and he commands them to stay put in the city until the Spirit comes upon them. He reminds them one more time of the mission he is calling them into. Are we living into that mission today?

Appear: To Commission

This morning I take a look at one of Jesus’ last appearances to his disciples. In this appearance Jesus invites his disciples into the mission he began. What is this mission? How do we understand our part in that mission today? Come think with me on one of the most popular passages in Christianity.

Sincere Faith

What does it mean for us to pass down the faith given to us? Do we recognize those who faithfully poured into our lives, passing their faith on to us? On this Mother’s Day I examine the idea of what it means to pass on our faith and recognize the role our mothers and fathers in the faith have played in passing it down to us.